Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Image Detection

My project is formed of 2 parts:
1) Hardware: It drives a Stepper Motor to which a WebCam is connected. The whole device is connected to the parallel port of PC
2) Software : A visual C++ program works as follows:
a) When you press the driver button a window is opened & shows a video image of the Camera
b) When you Press Capture1,Bitmap1,ShowBitmap1 ,successively an image is captured & is shown on a window opened at the top left corner
c) Move your camera to any place you want
d) Press Start Time button, the camera driven by the Stepper Motor will move automatically until it reaches the same place of the captured image, then it will stop
3) Step 4:
Finally the aim of this project is to capture an image and to let a Stepper Motor detect the place of this image.